A documentary exploring the Suicide of one Dublin man. The piece looks at the man himself and the family and friends he left behind.
f you have been affected by any of the events in this story and/or have been affected by suicide or are experiencing suicidal or self harm thoughts? Please call and seek help at any of the following….
AWARE aware.ie 1890 30 33 02 wecanhelp@aware.ie
A service for people who experience
depression and concerned family & friends
Barnardos barnardos.ie 01 473 2110 bereavement@barnardos.ie
Bereavement Counselling for Children is a
service for children and young people who
have lost someone close to them
Bodywhys bodywhys.ie 1890 20 04 44 alex@bodywhys.ie
Provides support to people affected by eating disorders
Console console.ie 1800 20 18 90 info@console.ie
Supporting and helping people bereaved through suicide
GROW grow.ie 1890 47 44 74 info@grow.ie
A Mental Health Organisation which helps people who have suffered, or are suffering, from mental health problems
Health Service Executive hse.ie 1850 24 18 50
Irelands national health and social care provider
Living Links livinglinks.ie 087 412 2052 info@livinglinks.ie
Providing assertive outreach support to the suicide bereaved
Pieta House pieta.ie 01 601 0000 mary@pieta.ie
Centre for the Prevention of Self-Harm or Suicide
Rehabcare headsup.ie 01 205 7200 info@headsup.ie
A mental health promotion project which aims to contribute to suicide prevention efforts by providing timely, appropriate information and support to young people
Samaritans samaritans.org 1850 60 90 90 jo@samaritans.org
A confidential 24 hour emotional support service for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide
Senior Helpline seniorhelpline.ie 1850 44 04 44
A confidential listening service for older people by older people
Shine shineonline.ie 1890 62 16 31 The national organisation dedicated to upholding the rights and addressing the needs of all those affected by enduring mental illness
Teenline Ireland teenline.ie 1800 83 36 34
A confidential listening service for young people